Greek direct democracy vs roman republic

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This website gave me information to compare a democracy to republic, which helped me to distinguish the difference and figure out if America is more of a democracy or republic. “An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic.” The American Ideal of 1776: The Twelve Basic American Principles. Even though this information didn’t really answer my final questions, it gave me a starting point for my research. Although I didn’t fully use the information from this article in my final project, it provided me the fundamental information on how historians consider the Roman Republic to be a recognizable democracy. “Historians Give Romans Better Marks In Democracy.” The New York Times. This was my primary source for information on the Roman Republic.

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This source gave me the information that I needed concerning the Roman Republic and its officials along with the adaptation from monarchy to republic. Besides providing background information on these important figures, the website also told me about their contributions to Athenian democracy. This page on Athenian democracy gave me key information about Solon, Cleisthenes, and Pericles. The rest of the information on this site was not completely relevant to my project, however I still found bits of it useful. This website gave me the year in which Rome became a republic. “The Fall of the Roman Republic.” BBC – History.

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